Gurukulam - Summer Internship -2024
Experience the Vedic lifestyle and incorporate service as an integral part of life for the betterment of oneself and, in turn, the community you live in. 10-day residential program (Open for All, limited to 10 eligible individuals) For any questions, email: internship@jetusa.org
Schedule: July 13th to July 24th 2024
Location: JIVA Campus, Shamshabad and Jeeyar Gurukulam at Allampalli (In house program and day scholars are not allowed)
Eligibility: 13 years and above
Sponsorship: $750 per participant (includes $50 non-refundable registration fee)
Salient Points
Experience the Vedic way of living to appreciate the traditional way of learning and living and adopt changes in our respective life.
Life management lessons from Sundarakanda
Volunteer in various projects at Statue of Equality, Divya Saaketham, JIMS (Jeeyar Integrated Medical Sciences), Medical camps, Jeeyar Gurukulam at Allampalli.
Service Volunteer hours will be given depending on the activities participated during the internship.
Links to Past Gurukulam Experiences
Gurukulam Blog | Gurukulam Video
Length: 10 days from July 13th – 24th, 2024
Fees: Application fees $50 non-refundable; $700 registration fees is due by May 30th, 2024
A number of registrations allowed: Up to 10 individuals are allowed.
Registration selection process:
Apply by May 30th, 2024 with a write-up of your interest in attending the internship full with full payment.
Cancellation Dead line: June 13th 2024, No cancellations or refunds are allowed after June 13th. Before June 13th, cancellation fee is $50.
Travel cost: Interns are responsible for all travel costs, including air and arrival to JIVA (Jeeyar Integrated Vedic Academy). No shuttle service is available.
Passports & Visa: Interns are responsible.
Vaccinations: All travel vaccines are required before the travel as per the airlines, local country, and city-specific guidelines.
Health Insurance: Intern is responsible for their health insurance coverage in India.
Clothes are recommended to pack for all ten days as a laundry service will not be available.
Bugs: The intern is responsible for carrying their own personal supply of bug replants (body cream/spray etc.).
Medication: Personal medication is the intern responsibility. Emergency hospital service is provided at JIVA if needed
Check-in at JIVA Campus: July 13th, 3 to 6 PM
Check-out from JIVA Campus: July 24th 3 to 6 PM
Internship Content & Activities:
Each day is different with different activities. Get ready for physical activities and long days. The following is a sample of the intern’s day.
Yoga, Key Lessons from Scriptures: Sundarakanda, Temple Tour, Service Activities
Jeeyar Gurukulam at Allampalli
JIMS hospital tour
Netra Vidyalaya at Samshabad
Ji:va Gurukulam at Samshabad
Temple Service - Divya Sa:ketham, Know & serve your temple, Statue of Equality, Divya De:sams
Separate accommodation is provided at JIVA for boys and girls. Families who are enrolled for the internship (kids and parents together) up to 4 can stay in the same room.
No day scholars allowed.
Satvik food is served 3 meals per day. Food allergies will be considered at our best level. As a precautionary, each intern needs to check with the chef before they intake about their allergy items in the meal.
After the Internship:
Each participant or family group prepare a report for Bhakti Nivedana and a 2-minute video for the JET USA Youtube channel on the takeaways from the program.